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Book and Book Chapter


Shakina Shahlee, Wardah Mohd Zuraimee


Buku terbitan bertajuk Perkongsian End-With-A-Dot (Anekdot) adalah hasil karya peserta-peserta yang telah menyertai Bengkel Penulisan Anekdot anjüran Pusat Pengajian Bahasa. Bengkel ini telah dijalankan bagi menggalakkan budaya menulis secara kreatif melalui pengalaman dan idea kreatif oleh para penulis. Terdapat 50 buah hasil karya telah berjaya dikumpulkan di dalam buku ini. Jutaan terima kasih diucapkan kepada para penyumbang karya. "Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on." -Louis LÁmour -

Teaching Subject-Verb Agreement of English Grammar: A Handbook for TESL Teachers

Sarala Thulasi Palpanadan


This book is hoped to be helpful to English language teachers and students to explore and learn about Subject Verb Agreement (SVA) in English language learning. The writer as a student and later as an English language teacher and lecturer found it a major challenge to teach English generally and grammar specifically. It is a common phenomenon in Malaysian English as a Second Language (ESL) classrooms that teachers find it challenging to teach and students find it perplexing to learn this important language principle. The writer of this book discovered this important grammar principle (referring to SVA rules) has deeply affected students’ language learning and teachers’ language teaching based on her classroom observations and professional experiences. Hence, keeping in view of the need for the students and teachers, the writer researched into this area thoroughly. The writer believes that this book will provide a clear frame to the language teachers and students to understand the SVA and its crucial role in writing essays in English. The book also provides new insights to the readers to discern SVA rules and its relationship with language learning which is generally overlooked in the teaching and learning process. Principally, the book provides a firm foundation to language teachers by giving them some guidelines and techniques to teach SVA rules by incorporating them in essay writing activities in English. Thus, students may write more effectively and meaningfully.

A Guided Template for Proposal Writing In Social Science Discipline



This book is a step-by-step guide to help students with proposal writing to get through their proposal defence. Generally, it contains the fundamental elements and nature of research which are important in proposal writing. This first edition will guide students to write proposals starting with a literature review through Chapters One. Two, and Three. Relevant explanations with examples are provided to help students understand the topics discussed.

Collaborative Learning for ESL Classrooms A Handbook for Teachers



This book is a teaching support tool for teachers and researchers looking to expand their knowledge on the effective conduct of collaborative learning for ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching and learning. It includes comprehensive descriptions of facilitation, active interaction, feedback and reflection strategies with ready-to-use materials such as lesson plan checklist, feedback forms and refelctive journal entries. Teachers can also learn about conflict resolution in a collaborative learning environment based on the suggestions given. The sample ESL activities designed based on the strategies discussed in the book may also help teachers to practice and customise more ESL lessons with collaborative learning activities based on their preferences. All the ideas discussed in this book are applicable for ESL classroom learning and also e-learning.

Bahasa Arab Komunikasi Tahap 1

Abdul Hadi Abd Aziz, Nurulisyazila Othaman, Abu Hanifa Abu Mukhtar


Menurut bahasa, ʻArab maksudnya padang pasir, tanah gundul dan gersang yang tiada air dan tanamannya. Sebutan dengan istilah ini sudah diberikan sejak dahulu kala kepada jazirah Arab1 ● Pada zaman moden ini, seseorang dikatakan berbangsa Arab bila memenuhi tiga syarat sebagai berikut: ● Genealogi: seseorang yang memiliki keturunan dari Arab dan nenek moyangnya tinggal di negeri Arab. ● Bahasa: seseorang yang menuturkan bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa ibu. Rakyat Mesir menolak dasar ini. ● Politik: seseorang yang memiliki kebangsaan negara di kawasan Arab. ● Agama utama orang Arab ialah agama Islam. ● Namun begitu, terdapat juga sebahagian kecil penduduk Arab yang menganuti agama kristian.

Spanish Language Book - Hola! Hablo Espanol

Nurul Sabrina Zan


This book is designed for peoples who native language is not Spanish. This book also covers basic grammar, vocabulary, verb conjugation, comprehension, dialogues, etc. Furthermore, it contains exercises that are believed to help fresh learners to better understand the language. Among the features of this book include the alphabets, talking about personal information, common phrases in classroom, exchanging greetings, recognize and properly use nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Mandarin Made Easy Through English

Lim Hong Swan & Yeoh Li Cheng


This book is intended for learners who do not have a formal background in Mandarin language. It is designed to train learners in order to acquire the basic skills to communicate effectively in the language. Learners can start mastering Mandarin through Hanyu Pinyin i.e. a phonetic transcription system using a modified Latin alphabet. The book integrates the aspects of phonetics, conversational settings and vocabulary. It also aimed not only at allowing learners to familiarize themselves with Mandarin, but also enjoy learning it. A variety of topics are laid out over 5 chapters which include everyday situations and simple dialogues like phonetics, numbers, clock time & calendar time, daily expressions and forms of address.

The New Normal : Heart Talks

Elizabeth M. Anthony, Chee - Ming Chan, Mohammad Talha, Sarala@Thulasi A/P Palpanadan


Rather it is an attempt to provide individuals an avenue to pour out their grievance or joy. It merely highlights some of the concerns close to the hearts of people from all walks of life especially amidst the current COVID19 pandemic and how they deal with them. It encompasses diverse range of themes such as faith, hope, love, food, family, friendship, etc. The contents of this volume comprise three genres presented as separate parts; poems, prose and ‘mishmash’. The poems here are generally in stanzas but not bound to the strict conventions of meter, rhyme or alliteration. The prose is narratives written in short paragraph(s) to tell a story. Mishmash on the other hand is writings that do not belong to either the poem or prose genre.

Kokurikulum Pemangkin Kemandirian Pelajar

Khairunesa Isa, Mohamad Shatar Sabran, Yuslizar Kamarudin, Hazila Kadir@Shahar,Azita Ali


Buku Kokurikulum Pemangkin Kemandirian Pelajar bertujuan memberi pemahaman mengenai peranan dan impak aktiviti kokurikulum di Pusat Pengajian Umum dan Kokurikulum (PPUK) melalui pelaksanaan program University Community Engagement (UCE). UCE merupakan pendekatan yang digunakan oleh PPUK dalam usaha melahirkan pelajar yang berketerampilan dan mampu memenuhi permintaan pasaran. Khidmat Komuniti Siswa (KKS) merupakan model UCE yang mengintegrasikan elemen teori dan praktikal secara hands on. Bermatlamat untuk melahirkan pelajar yang mandiri, setiap program UCE PPUK perlu memfokus kepada nilai ilmu atau kemahiran dan pemilihan komuniti yang signifikan dengan kumpulan sasar seperti golongan ibu tunggal, golongan belia dan sebagainya. Buku ini mampu membawa pembaca menghayati kepentingan aktiviti kokurikulum dalam melahirkan pelajar yang mandiri melalui pendekatan yang komprehensif. Pelaksanaan program yang berorientasikan akademik dan pembelajaran melalui pengalaman menjadikan aktiviti kokurikulum di bawah PPUK lebih relevan untuk diaplikasikan dalam dunia semasa bagi kepentingan masa hadapan. Beberapa penulisan mengenai program UCE yang pernah dijalankan turut disisipkan supaya pembaca lebih memahami matlamat dan hala tuju program UCE. Namun, apa yang perlu diingatkan ialah program UCE bukan hanya memberi kesan kepada pelajar malah turut memberi impak kepada komuniti setempat.

Action Research : An Easy Guide for Researchers

Sarala Thulasi Palpanadan


Action research is a reflective strategy that can be used by researchers for solving workplace issues in the real life settings. Researchers are able to explore various issues and plan for the change by conducting action research that ensures their continuous professional growth. The publication of this guidebook aims to introduce researchers not only to the models of action research but also to assist them to develop, implement, evaluate, and publish action research projects in their respective fields. It is hoped that this guidebook will be highly helpful and beneficial to the researchers from all walks of life. The guidebook will meet the needs of those who would like to embark on action research projects in various fields especially in the educational contexts. Thus, this book can be very useful for anyone who wishes to conduct action research, be it on a smaller scale or bigger scale study. This book highlights not only the ways of conducting action research effectively but also alerts researchers about the possible challenges that might hinder the flow of the research. Hence, this book should be kept with researchers for quick reference all the time.

Problem Based Learning: Best Practice, Research and Development

Prof. Madya Dr. Elizabeth A/P M.Anthony - Chapter 2



This book highlights the ways in which PBL is executed in various higher education institutions in Malaysia namely UTeM, UTHM, UPSI, USM, UPM, UM and Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka. UTeM highlights the utilisation of 5 Ladders approach in the fields of multimedia systems, technical physics and critical and creative thinking. Next, UTeM also features the role of the Centre of Academics Excellence and Scholarship (CAES) in promoting PBL within its series of training and academic talent development workshops. UPSI has shown a concerted effort where a iPBL team, specially trained in Singapore, has pioneered implementation of PBL in the university. The team is striving to develop its own model of a PBL approach to produce trainee teachers who understand the philosophy of PBL, its underlying theoretical foundations and its processes. UTHM focuses on its experience in implementing PBL in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) realms through investigating the co-construction of language and language learning. In addition, a glimpse of the training of future PBL implementers at the secondary school level is also embedded where PBL can be an educational tool that can fulfill the demands of the teaching profession at school level. USM tends to gauge the lecturers and students’ perception on the PBL implementation for continuous improvement purposes. UPM concerns the implementations of PBL among the lecturers in the Faculty of Engineering which is adhering to the OBE practice. This implementation is made possible through a curriculum review and students’ achievement and perception on the implementation of PBL. The Faculty of Medicine of UM covers the history of PBL and details out the PBL implementation, processes, achievements, challenges and opportunities. In a nutshell, UM provides a holistic view of PBL adoption and implementation at a philosophical level. Besides, the role of LMS within the social networking technologies will boost collaborative performance, and indirectly encourage active learning for the Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka. This book has illustrated numerous ways of implementing PBL and encountering several interesting phenomena in gauging its impact on teaching and learning realms in Malaysia.