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Department of International Languages


Course Synopsis

This course is designed for students to learn basic French. Students are exposed to listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills with basic vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure. Students are also exposed to real daily situations which will help them to communicate using French.

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Converse effectively in formal situation. (C2, LOD 8, MQF3c)

  • Respond effectively in different situation using basic sentences. (P3, LOD 8, MQF3c)

  • Share the French knowledge and culture effectively. (A3, LOD13, MQF4a)


  1. Junainah binti Tarmidi, 2019. Module de Communication Française 1. Parit Raja, Batu Pahat: Penerbit UTHM
  2. Junainah binti Tarmidi, 2016. Module de Français Niveau 1. Parit Raja, Batu Pahat: Penerbit UTHM.
  3. Booth, Trudie Maria, 2008. French Verbs Tenses. Mc Graw-Hill.
  4. Heminway, Annie, 2008. Complete French Grammar. Mc Graw-Hill. Call no. : PC2112, H45 2008.
  5. Hatier, 1995. Le Nouveau Bescherelle Complete Guide 12 000 French Verbs. Paris: LIBRAIRIE HATIER.
  6. Kaneman-Pougatch, Massia et al, 1997. Méthode de français: Café Crème 1. Paris: HACHETTE F.L.E.

Junainah Binti Tarmidi

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