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International Academic Partnership


Aktiviti Terkini

Technology-Assisted Language Learning & Pedagogy Seminar

BATU PAHAT – 24 September 2024. On September 23 and 24, 2024, the Technology-Assisted Language Learning & Pedagogy Seminar (TULIPS) brought together lecturers and language teachers from the Centre for Language Studies, UTHM. The event highlighted innovative practices and effective uses of technology in language education.

The seminar featured a series of best practice sharing sessions. En. Zainal Abidin opened with a candid discussion on the challenges he faces when integrating technology into teaching. PM Dr. Sarala followed, demonstrating the benefits of the HelloTalk app for language practice. En. Radi introduced the potential of AI in foreign language education, while Ustaz Abu explored how WordPress can serve both educational and income-generating purposes.

Participants also benefited from Ustaz Hadi’s insights on using Quizizz as an interactive platform to boost student motivation in learning Arabic. Dr. Talha discussed Telegram’s capabilities for enhancing English learning in detail. During the next session, Dr. Zaimaliza showcased TikTok’s effectiveness in teaching phonemes to kindergarten students while Puan Ainul Afiqin shared about the use of TikTok’s content for teaching respectively. Puan Sabrina shared how Linktree can enhance Spanish language learning. Lastly, Cik Najah presented NewsInLevels, a website designed to improve students' speaking skills.

Keynote speakers PM Dr. Azmi and Dr. Sazuliana captivated the audience with their insights in the beginning of the day. Dr. Azmi reflected on three decades of technological evolution in language education to kickstart the first day, while Dr. Sazuliana highlighted the vast array of applications available for teaching and learning on the second morning.

The seminar also included two hands-on technology workshops. En. Zainal Abidin guided participants through using various AI platforms beyond ChatGPT for language teaching, while Dr. Mimi Nahariah Azwani focused on instructional design tailored for language classes.

This seminar provided a valuable opportunity for educators to explore innovative strategies and enhance their teaching methodologies through technology. Attendees left inspired to implement new tools and techniques in their language instruction.

CLS Hosts “Drill in Report Writing” Program to Boost Form 5 Students’ Writing Skills

September 13, 2024 | Muar | The Centre for Language Studies (CLS), UTHM has successfully organised an innovative English language teaching program designed to enhance the report writing skills of Form 5 students of SMI At-Tanwiriah (Tahfiz). The program, titled “Drill in Report Writing”, took place today and was tailored to help students master the art of crafting effective and well-structured reports.

The initiative, held in the school’s Ibnu Sina Hall, aims to address common challenges students face when responding to report writing questions. At the heart of the program is the “magic template,” a strategic tool created by a CLS teacher to streamline the report writing process and improve students’ performance.

Mrs. Ainul Afiqin, the coordinator of the program, explained the purpose of the program: “We recognize that report writing can be a daunting task for many students. Our ‘magic template’ is designed to simplify the structure and make it easier for students to organize their thoughts and present their findings clearly and coherently.”

The program featured a series of interactive workshops and practical exercises. One of it was ‘ticking bomb’ game where the students have to pass around a ball in their group and have to stop when the song stopped. The person who has the ball will have to write down their answer on the shared whiteboard, representing their group. In the end, each group will have a whole report that was written by all members.

The response from students was overwhelmingly positive. Nur Amirah, a Form 5 student, shared her thoughts: “The magic template is a game-changer. It breaks down the report writing process into manageable steps and makes it so much easier to follow. I feel more confident about my upcoming exams now.”

The teachers also expressed their support for the program, noting its potential to positively impact students’ academic performance. Mr. Naqib, the school’s English teacher, remarked, “It’s great to see CLS providing such practical tools. This program is a fantastic way to equip our students with skills they will use in their upcoming SPM soon.”

CLS plans to continue offering similar programs to further support students’ language development and academic success.



Pada 8 Ogos 2024, Kelab Amal Wacana (KAWAN) dari Pusat Pengajian Bahasa, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) telah mengadakan Program “CLS Brisk Walk” di Tasik Kemajuan, UTHM. Program ini bertujuan bukan sahaja untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim dalam kalangan staf, ia juga merupakan salah satu inisiatif dan galakan kepada staf untuk kekal aktif demi menjaga kesihatan diri.

 Melalui program seperti ini, diharapkan budaya hidup sihat dapat diterapkan sekaligus meningkatkan produktiviti dan kesejahteraan staf di tempat kerja.

 Disediakan oleh : Nur Iman Zarith Binti Zakaria

Pusat Pengajian Bahasa dengan kerjasama Yunus Emre Institute menawarkan kelas secara dalam talian belajar Bahasa Turki. Percuma dan terbuka untuk semua. Hanya imbas QR code yang diberikan untuk daftar butiran diri anda. 

It’s ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ rating for us!
Public Sector Conducive Ecosystem (EKSA)
Come and visit the CLS office.

Pegawai PIC di PTTA untuk publication dan pendaftaran di SMPU.

Pendaftaran Kursus UHB12902 English Development and Engagement bagi pelajar kohort 2020/2021 yang diberi pengecualian kursus UHB10102 English for Higher Education.

 Laluan Kursus Bahasa Inggeris yang ditawarkan di Pusat Pengajian Bahasa 

Planning to sit for IELTS?


Come register with us at Centre for Communication Science (CComS) UTHM. CComS UTHM has been appointed by the British Council as the Authorised British Council IELTS Registration Centre.

If you're planning to sit for IELTS, you can register for the test with us either by visiting us at the Centre for Communication Science (CComS) office, or contact us at +607-4537933 during office hours, or contacting any of our British Council IELTS
Registration Agents below:
Agent JiMi
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(+60 12 7751470)
Agent Ella
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(+60 18 359 4088)
Agent Yana
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(+60 19 757 5425)

Congratulations Dr Mimi Nahariah on the appointment.

Bengkel Penulisan Kreatif Puisi anjuran Jabatan Bahasa Melayu dan Terjemahan, Pusat Pengajian Bahasa UTHM.

Seharian Bersama Dr Lutfan Jaes bagi sesi Bengkel Penulisan Kreatif Puisi anjuran Jabatan Bahasa Melayu dan Terjemahan, Pusat Pengajian Bahasa UTHM. Sebuah perkongsian yang sangat bermakna dan bermantaat buat semua peserta bengkel. Berkesempatan mengenali apa itu puisi melalui sains menulis puisi, ternyata puisi itu selain sangat ekspresif, penuh matlamat dan penceritaan. Terima kasih Dr Lutfan kerana sudi berkongsi contoh-contoh puisi beliau, dan turut meluangkan masa membaca puisi-puisi nukilan peserta bengkel dan memberikan maklum balas yang konstruktif kepada semua.
Sekali lagi penghargaan dizahirkan atas kesudian Dr Lutfan dan juga para peserta bengkel pada hari ini.
Semoga berjumpa lagi!

Grow and Share Together (GST) Siri 2/2024
"Toastmasters International Demo Meeting"

22 Julai 2024 | Jawatankuasa Kualiti dan Pengurusan Risiko PPB telah mengadakan Bengkel Penyediaan MyPortfolio yang disertai oleh staf PPB yang bertempat di Bilik Lestari 2, PTTA. Bengkel dimulai dengan ucapan kata aluan oleh Ketua Jawatankuasa Kualiti dan Pengurusan Risiko PPB, Puan Nurzarina binti Abdul Samad dan ceramah disampaikan oleh Puan Zalinah binti Salehon dari Pejabat Pengurusan Kualiti UTHM.

Program National Training Week 2024: Pusat Pengajian Bahasa UTHM Tawarkan 12 Kursus Jangka Pendek Secara Percuma

Disediakan oleh: Sazuliana Sanif, Nur Iman Zarith Zakaria.

Bersempena dengan Program National Training Week 2024 (NTW 2024) yang telah dijalankan pada 24 hingga 30 Jun yang lalu, Pusat Pengajian Bahasa (PPB), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) telah berjaya menawarkan 12 jenis kursus/latihan jangka pendek secara percuma. Sebagai tanda sokongan dalam membangunkan masyarakat melalui pendidikan sepanjang hayat, pelbagai kategori kursus yang bertujuan bagi meningkatkan kemahiran dan pengetahuan peserta telah disediakan oleh 11 tenaga pengajar yang berpengalaman dari PPB. Antara kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan ialah kursus-kursus bahasa seperti First Steps in Mandarin: A Starter Course, Let’s Start Speaking Mandarin, French: Your First Steps, Spanish Unlocked, Fun Interactive English, Creative Writing Using Functional English, serta kursus-kursus kemahiran lain seperti AI Tools for Tertiary Students, Quick and Easy Design Canva Way, Resume Writing for School Leavers, Keindahan Kata Nama dalam Al-Quran, Asas Bahasa Isyarat, dan Mari Masak Laksa Johor.

Pada 24 hingga 30 Jun 2024, selama 7 hari, UTHM telah bekerjasama dengan National Training Week 2024 (NTW 2024) dalam menawarkan 29 jenis kursus/latihan jangka pendek. Program NTW 2024 ini merupakan minggu latihan peringkat kebangsaan di seluruh negara yang menghimpunkan organisasi serta penglibatan individu warga bekerja untuk mengikuti program Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat (PSH) secara percuma sama ada dalam talian mahupun bersemuka.

Penglibatan aktif staf Pusat Pengajian Bahasa UTHM dalam menyediakan dan mengendalikan kursus-kursus ini telah mendapat sambutan yang amat menggalakkan daripada para peserta dari seluruh negara. Kejayaan program ini membuktikan komitmen Pusat Pengajian Bahasa UTHM dalam menyediakan pendidikan berkualiti dan menyokong pembangunan masyarakat melalui program-program yang bermanfaat.

Academic Visit to the Spain and Mexico Embassies

On March 4th 2024, representatives from the Centre of Language Studies (CLS) led by the Dean paid for an academic visit to the Spain and Mexico embassies. The goal of this visit was to identify opportunities for cooperation that can be implemented by CLS staffs and foreign embassies for a mutual benefit. The embassy graciously welcomed the delegates' arrival, and the discussion proceeded smoothly. Several potential cooperation proposals have been highlighted during the discussion such as student exchange program, workshops and seminars with a line of experts appointed by the Embassy, scholarship opportunities to UTHM students and many more.

La Visita académica a las Embajadas de España y México

El 4 de marzo de 2024, los representantes del Centro de Estudios Idiomas (CLS) dirigido por el decano realizaron una visita académica a las embajadas de España y México. El objetivo de esta visita fue identificar oportunidades de cooperación que puedan ser implementadas por los profesores de CLS y las embajadas para un beneficio mutuo. La embajada recibió amablemente la llegada de los delegados, y la discusión se desarrolló sin problemas. Durante la discusión se han destacado varias propuestas potenciales de cooperación, como el programa de intercambio para los estudiantes, talleres y seminarios con los expertos designados por la Embajada, oportunidades de becas para estudiantes de UTHM y mucho más.


Pada 21 Februari 2024, sekumpulan delegasi dari Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) telah mengadakan lawatan akademik ke Institut Yunus Emre, Kuala Lumpur. Kehadiran kami disambut baik dan mesra daripada pihak Institut Yunus Emre iaitu Dr. Omer Altun selaku pengarah di institut tersebut. Objektif lawatan ini adalah untuk beramah mesra dan mencari peluang serta ruang supaya dapat berkolaborasi pada masa hadapan. Berjumpaan yang singkat ini telah memberikan hasil yang positif apabila langkah pertama yang dipersetujui ialah dengan mengadakan kelas dalam talian kepada warga UTHM. Usaha pertama ini adalah bertujuan memberikan pendedahan kepada penduduk Malaysia khususnya penduduk Parit Raja mengenai bahasa Turki, budaya, sejarah dan negara Turki. Dr. Omer Altun selaku Pengarah Institut Yunus Emre turut menjelas serba sedikit asal penubuhan Institut Yunus Emre dan  mempamerkan kemudahan- kemudahan yang ada di institut tersebut. Diakhir lawatan ini kami telah sajian traditional Turki yang lazat dan berpeluang membincangkan projek -projek dalam suasan yang lebih santai dan mesra.

Visit to the Indonesian Embassy

CLS Dean and Head of Department of International Languages together with some officials of the International Office paid a courtesy visit to the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. The main purpose of the visit was to enhance the ties between UTHM and the embassy. To date, there are around 170 Indonesian students pursuing their degrees in this university and 6 of them are pursuing their postgraduate degrees at CLS. The UTHM delegates also had a meeting with Prof Dr Muhammad Firdaus, the Education and Culture Attaché of the embassy and discussed potential areas of collaboration between UTHM and Indonesian learning institutions.

Welcome to CLS Pak Yem!

It’s a historical day for CLS as the Chairman of the university’s Board of Governance, Datuk Ibrahim Ahmad or fondly known as Pak Yem made his maiden visit to the centre. He spent more than two hours at the CLS office where he was briefed about the services offered by the centre and shown a montage about CLS. Pak Yem then had a discussion where he shared his vast experience and exchanged views with the CLS top management. He was later brought around the office and also introduced to the administrative staff.
CLS would like to express our heartiest gratitude to Pak Yem for spending your precious time at CLS despite your hectic schedule. Thank you Pak Yem!

Program Community Service (CSR) iaitu “English Language Community Outreached (ELCO) Bersama Sek. Keb. Seri Bunut (12 & 13 September, 2023)

Pusat Pengajian Bahasa (PPB), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) sekali lagi menganjurkan program Community Service (CSR) iaitu “English Language Community Outreached (ELCO) bersama warga Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Bunut bagi mendorong pelajar sekolah menguasai bahasa Inggeris. Program CSR seumpama itu dilaksanakan untuk memberi peluang kepada sekolah-sekolah di kawasan luar bandar untuk terlibat sama dengan aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh UTHM.